How it Started

Living in Today's World, ​I spent most of my life trying to find a way to "Fit In".

There are so many pressures to look and act a certain way that i felt uncomfortable being myself. Especially in times when Social Media is so relevant.

One day, i decided I wanted to help change the way women felt about themselves. I wanted a Natural Woman to be celebrated and not just tolerated.

I looked in the mirror and appreciated myself, I loved myself, Finally.

I loved, not only my looks, but my soul, my heart, my compassion, my ambition, my empathy, my mind... everything that made me, ME.

I wanted other women to feel that feeling. The feeling of comfort with being YOU.

As I would look around, I would see other women that never felt like they were enough. I knew because I was one of them.

Real women don't get the credit they deserve sometimes. You deserve love in your most natural form. I've created these products to remind women of that very belief.

I started this for YOU.

-Tiffany, CEO